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Volunteer team seeks and serves local veteran through Rebuild Upstate Build Day


On Saturday, November 14, Rebuild Upstate will host a unique volunteer opportunity.

Local veteran Tameka Simmons will lead a team of Upstate volunteers through a Rebuild Upstate build day. They will repair the home of a fellow veteran, Mr. K.

Simmons reached out to Rebuild Upstate during the pandemic to determine how she could put her construction skills to use for the good of her neighbor. She was particularly interested in how she could help other veterans.

“Before “beneficence” there is “benevolence,” said Simmons. “Before doing good, there is willing good. Mr. K and numerous other veterans have given and sacrificed more than most of us could ever imagine.”

Mr. K served in the Air Force for 4 years, during which time he traveled the world. Now, he enjoys the country life as a self-described “mountain man.” His family reached out to Rebuild Upstate when their home was no longer safely meeting their needs.

The Veteran Volunteer Team will volunteer on Saturday, November 14th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Volunteers will repair the floor and the ceiling to make the home safer and healthier for Mr. K for years to come.

Rebuild Upstate is so proud to serve those who served our country,” said Chris Manley, the agency’s CEO. “We are excited to pay tribute to Veterans Day with a veteran-lead team serving a fellow veteran.”

About Rebuild Upstate

Rebuild Upstate serves low-income homeowners with repairs and accessibility improvements to create safe, livable housing in existing homes and neighborhoods in Greenville, Anderson, Pickens and Oconee counties. Its team envisions a community where everyone has the opportunity to live a life of dignity in a safe home environment in order to maintain and foster strong, sustainable communities. Learn more at

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